Camilo Ignacio Fonseca Díaz
Tutelas Coordinator
During his professional career, Camilo has become a lawyer with a clear sense of urgency, a high capacity to manage immediate attention processes, as well as highly complex matters. His comprehensive vision both from the constitutional and labor aspect of tutela actions (protection of rights actions), attended by the area that he coordinates, have enabled him to establish lines of argument based on the understanding of the different competences and visions of judges in their respective jurisdictions; this has led to the development of a communication scheme in his replies, challenges, briefs and other documents, in a simple and clear language for the judicial operator.
- Lawyer, Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga (2013)
- Specialist in Constitutional Law, Universidad del Rosario (2015)
Teaching Experience
- Professor of «Constitutional Law» and «Constitution and Labor Law», Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (since 2018)
- Co-author of the book «Studies of Labor Law and Social Security, editorial Tirant Lo Blanch (2020)
- Co-author of the book «Guidelines for Judicial Defense in the Prima Media Regime», editorial Tirant Lo Blanch (2021)